Bulk Mulches

Delivered when you want it

We offer 2 kinds of bulk mulch for delivery as well as bulk top soil. Minimum 4 scoops for delivery. Delivery rates are zip code based. We are happy to take orders over that phone with credit card – call today to schedule your delivery 454-4000! One scoop of any of our bulk mulch covers 75-100 Sq. Ft. approximately 2 inches deep. One scoop is equivalent to 10-12 bags of mulch. We offer bulk mulch in 2 varieties: brown hardwood and black hardwood. We also offer bulk topsoil by the scoop. Before you start mulching we recommend you put down a granular weed control to keep weeds from sprouting. Weed granules will not harm existing plants they only work on seeds. We recommend weed control granules instead of weed fabric for all mulch applications except for gravel.

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